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Sunday 27 November 2011

Gary Speed - 1969 - 2011

I'm shocked and saddened to hear of the death of Wales Manager, Gary Speed. At 42 this is a tragically early age to pass. Add to that the fact that it seems he has committed suicide, and this is doubly tragic.

Only yesterday we unveiled a monument to another footballing legend, Phil O'Donnell, who also passed way too early, so this is a sad and poignant time.

My sympathy, respect and thoughts are with his family and friends and to my friends in Wales  at this time. What would drive a man to take his own life, whether through illness or circumstance, is an unbearably sad and heartbreaking thing to think about.

Speed was a legend in the game. He will always be remembered as such.


Thursday 24 November 2011

Weekly Round Up

Hello friends

Just a weekly round up of what's been going on...

The Witch from the Well review from Reilly 2040 (and no, I'm not a witch!...Well, I say "not"...)
Christmassy Special-type fun from The Silent Stars Go By reviewed by Eddie McGuigan available as a book and audio from BBC Books - heartily recommended.
Nic Ford's review of Hexagora available from our great friends at Big Finish
A thrill for me as I got to interview Neil Gaiman in a rare discussion on only Doctor Who. Squee-ed there, don't mind saying.
There's also an interview with Karl Pilkington on An Idiot Abroad 2 facilitated by Eddie McGuigan and supplied by Sky TV. Thanks guys.
My friend, Derek is settling into his new home with some pretty hard hitting stuff on online bullying which we also discuss in our forum.
And my mate Reilly 2040 discusses the latest from Green Lantern.
As well as that, our very good friends over at Kasterborous have some great pics from the Christmas Special, snappily entitled The Doctor, The Widow & the Wardrobe as well as exciting and controversial news on David Troughton playing his father's role of the Second Doctor in upcoming BF episodes.

That's all, have a great week folks, and speak to you all soon, I hope!

Happy Times and Places

Eddie McGuigan
Skaro Tweets

Thursday 17 November 2011

Anti Bullying Week

Hi Guys

It's Anti Bullying week this week, which coincides with the BBC's Children In Need. As someone who has been and to a certain degree is the recipient of this kind of behaviour, I thought it would be a good idea to give you some links if you too are affected by this.

Bullies don't see the bigger picture, a lot of the times. They see only their point of view and their feelings are the only ones that count. We know, however, that being different, talking out, standing up or making mistakes are not reasons for individuals or groups to target, intimidate and scare others.

But you're not alone. Internet stalkers and bullies affect all types of people. Doctor Who's very own Katherine Jenkins has recently been targeted by an internet bully - as detailed in my friend's blog here - Friendsofderek, internet bullying and stalking - to the extent that they even tweeted her during a live TV show. Bullying is not about what your doing wrong, it's about what the bully is doing wrong. Never think that this is your fault. It never is.

Here are some links you might find useful -

This brave young girl discusses her bullying and gives encouragement in Words Can Hurt
Childline can help younger victims of bullying, and gives invaluable advice.
The Anti Bullying Network discusses bullying in schools and workplaces
Google give advice on bullying and how to keep safe online -  although I would temper this by saying Googles own Blogger has a shocking policy when it comes to online stalkers and bullies.
The Anti Bullying Alliance  offers help and advice.
and Bully Online looks at the much more sophisticated adult bullying.

Remember, though, if you are the victim of this heinous occupation, speak to someone in authority, whether than be a parent, a boss, a teacher or the police. These people WILL help you.

Happy times and places, with any luck.

Eddie McGuigan

Wednesday 16 November 2011

A Christmas Treat

Hi guys

Well, I promised you a treat before I disappeared for a while, so, well, here it is! How does an interview with Neil Gaiman grab you?

Neil is a lovely guy, and was decent enough to take some time out of a hectic schedule to answer some of Outpost Skaro's Mind Probe questions! I know! We couldn't believe it either!

So, without further ado, get yourselves over to Outpost Skaro for an exclusive chat with the writer of The Doctor's Wife! And, yes, we know he's done a tad more than that!

So don't forget you can follow Neil's own stuff on his Website, here including information of the rerelease of his amazing book American Gods for its ten year anniversary, follow his Journal, here and find out all about his works, here.

So, for our exclusive chat with Neil, here's the link -

Happy times and places

Monday 14 November 2011

Children In Need, by Eddie McGuigan

Hello friends

Please give all you can for this great cause.

The main BBC site is here and the TV show on the 18th November promises to be a big event with lots of content for us all to enjoy, as well as reminding us the importance of helping these children whenever we can.

You can donate here via paypal, visa or any major credit or debit card, by calling 0345 7 33 22 33.

Or by Text -



You can donate to BBC Children in Need by texting a keyword to 70705.

BBC Children in Need donations
BBC Children in Need donations
The One Show Challenge
DIY SOS The Big Build
The Radio Lincolnshire Bike Ride
Text messages cost £5, plus your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates).

Please give all you can and don't forget to claim your Gift Aid reward when you do, as this stops tax going to the government on any donation you make meaning Children In Need get even more money for your donation.

Thanks again, and enjoy the show - especially the Doctor Who bit!

Happy Times and Places