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Monday 5 September 2011

Torchwood - Miracle Day: Survivor Roll Call

Hello there, Faithful Readers. Irritating, isn't it?

Here is a list of the Lives and Not Lives in the finale of Torchwood: Miracle Day.

My dear, dear Jack, so much alive and yet so very much dead, the man with all to die for and nothing to live for, finds a way to do both, and his pain is seen through others eyes. Gwen Cooper, more concerned for her daughter and husband, and the horror that is falling on them, does the only thing she possibly can, and sacrifices her true self for the greater good. But so does Rex, as he watches Esther shot at point blank range, can either of them, blood splattered and alive, survive? Both die, unfortunately, and one at the hands of Charlotte, the CIA Family infiltrator, who does a good job at blowing up everyone else in the CIA, to the point where it's hard to know if the Blessing was enough to save even them. Poor Q. Love a Q.

And what of Kitzinger? Will her sins be forgiven as she scambles for the exit? The flames of the end of the Miracle engulf her, and there's nothing the others can do. And then, of course, there's Oswald Danes, a man so evil, so corrupt, so twisted surely, never, could salvation be found in those flames? And again, is it enough? Goodbye Oswald. Will we ever see you again.

And so Team Torchwood is set for America, but with people gone and others not there, whilst some are oh so, so alive, it looks like the next year, thanks to Jack, Gwen, Oswald, Esther and Rex's sacrifice is secure.

Well, you didn't think I'd just tell you, did you? Ssshhh... Spoilers!

Happy Times and Places

Oh, you should go here too...

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